Polish Geographical Review > For Authors > Editorial procedure

Editorial procedure

  1. After submission of the manuscript to editorial office, the Author receives a message confirming receipt of the text.
  2. Within a span of two weeks, editorial committee accepts or rejects the submitted manuscript. Lack of acceptance may mean complete or conditional rejection of the paper; in case of conditional rejection, editorial committee may suggest certain improvements and only after taking account of these improvements, the article can be resubmitted to editorial office.
  3. Editor assigns to reviewers (see: Reviewing procedure).
  4. Upon receipt of reviews, they are immediately sent to the Author (Review form, potentially, together with comments and improvements carried out in the text of the manuscript).
  5. Author may take account of reviewers’ remarks or respond to them (apart from Review sheet Author receives also a Response-to-reviewers sheet whereby the Authors may respond to each suggestion made by reviewers) It is required to provide response / justification to each excluded reviewers’ remark.
  6. The potential improvements should be made by the Author on the file sent by Editors using track change mode.
  7. Upon receipt of the revised version of the article, it is subject to editorial processing / revision and then again sent to the Author. Author has to respond to each editorial remarks, especially to those that are excluded. The modifications / improvements should be made by the Author solely on the file sent by Editors using track change mode. Editors reserve the right to shorten and proofread the text, as well as to reject the article in spite of positive reviews, e.g., especially in the absence of agreement between Editors and Author with regard to editorial modifications.
  8. Following the editorial processing, the article is sent for publication. Author receives the first electronic version of the article (first proof copy in PDF file) for Author’s revision and approval, as well as licence document (Grant of licence under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0 license) for signature. In the case when the Author’s revision is not delivered to Editors within the period of five days, this first proof will be acknowledged as the accepted by the Author.
  9. The submission of the article to Przeglad Geograficzny (Polish Geographical Review) shall be deemed as Author’s acceptance for the procedural rules guiding the editorial processing.